Monday, May 6, 2013

got the goods...

Android is so cool.  Last night I was playing with a new launcher and started remembering why it is so much the superior operating system to any other.  What is a launcher you ask?  Well let me tell you... Basically the Launcher is an app that allows you to change the look and feel of your phone.  It allows for total customization on all of your home screens.   Yes, unlike a few other OS's out there, Android allows for total customizablilty.  Not even sure if that is a word..anyhow.  I am a geek; love my gadgets, but I also like being in control of them.  I like my app drawer to be a certain way and my screens to rotate in a nice way.  Anyway...Google is not so full of themselves that they don't allow you to change the stock design of the phone, which is very very cool.  I downloaded last night the "GO Launcher" which is free.  I didn't expect much, because not to long ago I purchased the "Nova Launcher" for 4.99 and it's pretty neat, but I saw a review somewhere for GO and decided to give it a go :)..

I must say...I am impressed.. They have like a ton of widgets to make my experience GREAT and also I can still launch Nova from an icon anytime I like.  Launcher to Launcher is smooth and I love it. Why would you want to do this..well..I have all my icons set on my home page in the Nova launcher and didn't want to give that up completely, so I just put the Nova link on the new home screen and vvvuuuaaallaaa you touch it and I'm back to the old.

okay - on a different subject - talked with my boy today (the one I don't talk to that often) I sure love him VERY much.  I have such great kids.  Seriously.  Watched Iron Man 3 tonight too, and while I thought it was a great movie, probably not good enough for me to feel so rushed about so many other things, but now Zach feels better about seeing it, I know. The things we do for our children.

Overall an okay busy day.  Hope yours was fantastic.

Love you ... millions .. infinity . . xoxo

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