Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Pickles and Hugs...Hugs and pickles - what a combo

Today is one of those days when I'm thankful for things.  I'm thankful all days, but today I'm thankful for pickles.  I'm not sure who decided cucumbers in vinegar was a good idea, but I sure am happy they did.  I'm also thinking that there are two kinds of people in this world; those who like dill, and those who don't.  I can't remember anyone ever saying, well I like Dill kind of.  I did talk to someone today that said, "only the chips kind" but I think that is a mental thing.

I would like to know if you are a dill person or not.  I would like to know if you like tomatoes and olives and lemons.  That is one whole food group for me.  No joke actually.  We could add a few things like artichokes and jalapenos.  Those all fit into the same category for me.  FAVORITES.  What about you?  Do you like my favorites list?
I got to hug my baby again today.  That was nice.  He's such a good kid.  A good hug..a good hug is very very important to me.  Love is in hugs.  A while ago, a young girl I know hugged me, but it was that one-armed half hug thing, and I said, "Can I have a real hug now?".   She came back and I embraced her and said, "isn't that nicer" - she said, "yeah, that hug feels more like you love me."  And, I said, "yep, this is the way you should hug your momma, too."  Yeah, I do love her and so giving a good firm strong hug is important.  A friend once told me that I was a "patter" and I quit that, because that makes the hug feel somehow fake. Now every time I see her, she gives me a "real" hug.   When my kids were younger, they used to complain about their dad's hugs.  About how he gave them the half hug and it hurt their feelings.  I'm so glad that I know how to make people know my true feelings with a hug.  Hugs are really really important.
Give a HUG today.  A real one to someone you love.  You don't have to say, "I love you", just hug them tight and they'll know.  Now wrap your arms around you tight and know that is me hugging you; I think you should do this and send me vibes so that I can feel it..(haha..and now we'll hold a childrens show.. I need your help kids..hug me ... I get power from your - some of you will get that)

Love you..
millions - infinity

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