Friday, April 19, 2013

dreams . . .

Tonight was crazy and wonderful and exhausting..Tomorrow will be even better....CAN NOT believe the support and turn out - Wicked Crazy...I did get a little emotional - sorry Amanda - there is something about all the people in our community loving and caring about this stuff as much as they do..and the standing ovation..ya know..

I want to sleep until hmm...forever, but I'll settle with until 9..

"Shout out" to Emily, Ashley, Scott, Nikki, Cory and Amanda - you guys rocked tonight, as always.  Love you girls very much.

I have homework due by midnight - NOPE -  this will wait until tomorrow, because it's taking a lot of brain power to just do this.  Talk about procrastination - this time it kicked my ass.

I am definitely going to blog something more meaningful tomorrow - in the middle of doing some homework - maybe I'll even decide to be a poet again.  Tonight though...maybe you'll be in my dreams..or maybe not..wouldn't it be awesome if you could determine those things? I know who'd be in my dreams.. ;)

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