Monday, October 1, 2012

Do you remember. . . ?

When you were young...
I saw you and it was truly love at first sight.
You were so awesome, and the reason for my life, quickly.
Do you remember going to county market, and getting me in trouble when you threw a fit that I wasn't your Mommy?
Do you remember when we played Zelda together from beginning to end?
Do you remember kisses and hugs?
Do your remember how much I love you?
Do your remember me reading the first Harry Potter book, so that we could connect and have something to talk about?
Do you remember me begging you to stay the night in the apartment?
Do you remember me getting upset when you wouldn't text me back?
Do you remember me making several trips to Bloomington/Normal to see you?  Graduation included?
Do you remember me coming to Grayslake and staying at a water park hotel and having you stay with us to see YOU before you left?
Do you remember me having no cash, but figuring out a way to get to Texas to see you graduate basic and putting a couple hundred dollars towards a laptop..(credit, cuz I didn't have the funds)?
I promise, I will never give up on you.  I will always always love you.  I know life hasn't always been easy on you my sweet.  Please, give up on the thought that I don't love you as much as your siblings, and know that I do...Know that I just love you differently, but not less.  You were my first true love and I will never ever let you go. I hope you have a happy 21st birthday.  Be safe.

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