Sunday, October 7, 2012

some reviews. . .

This weekend was a fantastic one.  I really enjoyed having some me and Neo time.

I'm going to review a few things in this blog...

First of all, I just finished the book "The Book Thief".  Honestly, I have to say...the ending made me cry a few times, but the book overall was absolutely GREAT.  It is about a girl named Liesel Meminger in the time frame of World War II in the small town of Molching German, which is outside Munich.  The book is told from the viewpoint of Death (narrated by - which sounds weird, but it really works well).  The book follows Liesel's life and her adventures in book thievery.  I would give it a must read or listen, and give it past the first few chapters cuz it starts off a little slow.

Second, Gary and I saw the movie "The Perks of Being a Wallflower".  Oh my goodness.  I really liked this movie.  It was about a boy starting his freshmen year of high school, with all the normal fears, but he also had a rough year the year before.  Charlie is through the movie writing letters to a "friend"  -  I don't want to spoil it for anyone.  It is a tear jerker, too, but not in the traditional way.  Charlie finds his way hanging with some misfit teens..

Okay - Now a question....Do you think that Rock/Country/Pop is really that different?  So for instance, I love the Eagles, but they do sound a lot country.  Gary doesn't like what he calls "pop" music, but who decides what is pop and what is Rock, cuz I think they cross lines.  We actually had a conversation/discussion about this for at least an hour last night.  I just think it's one of those things that is subjective.

Spent the day with some awesome kids..and some okay adults...Now I have my little family here all together again, and that is nice too..

One more thing about my date last night...Gary and I went to PF Changs last night and I learned something about myself.  I both love and hate horseradish sauce...I love it ... and then I hate it and then I love it's so weird...I like the initial taste, then it kills me....(like you wanna scream a minute) and then I can't wait to feel that again...Is that not the weirdest thing EVER?  I know..

Now for my would you rather....

Would you rather be a Jew in Germany during World War II, or someone that loved all?  Would you rather be the persecuted or be the one who can't help them but loves the persecuted?

Love you all..

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