Monday, December 12, 2011

My take on the Mustache . . .

Please oh please..
Don't do it.
Facial hair is fine, but the mustache is not.  Please don't stop there, grow the whole goatee.  As I get older, my tastes change about some things, but I'm sure that I do NOT know one single woman that wants her man's upper lip to have fur on it without the chin having it, too.  If I'm wrong, please feel free to correct me.

Now - If you look like either of these two men, and you have a mustache, it may work for you...

But . . . if you look like. . . . . 

Now - I do like the full version - very much. . . 

I always love feedback, so if you disagree for any reason, please tell me all about it.

Love ya all.


Jennifer Shoop said...

I'm not a fan of facial heair at all really. I mean, I do agree that the whole thing is better than just chin or mustache but I'm not a fan of it at all. At least on faces mine will be touching. Looks wise, fine.

What the what?! said...

Facial hair makes the world go'round. New thought... Why have I seen plenty of police officers with mustaches, but not any do I recall with full beards? Texas Rangers with the name of Walker obviously don't count.